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Kunal Shah on productivity, life hacks and how India can become a successful nation 🔥🔥

 Kunal Shah on productivity, life hacks and how India can become a successful nation Kunal Shah is the founder of CRED. He is a fierce learner and has added layers of knowledge through his observation of the world and people. Here are few takeaways where he appeared on a podcast, on productivity and how India will become the superpower of the world. Try to meet more smart people to become smarter. Good people who want to learn all the time will naturally surround themselves with other people who want to learn all the time and that group compounds much faster. Our country will move forward where more people will take risks with their careers. More people taking risks with their careers will result in them creating careers for other people who don't want to take risks.  People who keep complaining about work-life balance either have a shitty life or a shitty job. Watching content, again and again, will not improve your life, taking actions will. Understand the value of time ...

Why all airplane windows are round in shape ? 🤔

Why all airplane windows are round in shape? 

Airplane, Window, Milkyway, Shootingstar, Meteorid, Sky

       The round windows in an airplane aren't a simple design choice. It's a life saving engineering innovation. If the airplane windows were square like the ones in your home, the whole plane would have disintegrated mid flight and no one wants to deal with any of that kind on their way.

       To make planes suitable to fly at higher altitudes, it has to make some design changes. First, the cabin has to be pressurized so that passengers could breathe. Secondly, the cabin has to be given cylindrical shape so as to sustain the internal pressure.

        After considering all this, we might think that it sounds to be a perfect plane. But wait. In mid 20th century, there happened to be three airplane crashes and the reason why it happened was because the engineers overlooked a flaw: The square window.

        Now let us try to understand of why this happened from a basic level. When the aeroplane is on the ground, the pressure inside the aeroplane and pressure outside the aeroplane will be the same as that of atmospheric pressure. But as the altitude increases, pressure decreases. So, the pressure outside the airplane will be low and pressure inside is the pressure as that was on the ground, which is higher compared to outside pressure.

        What happens when there is high pressure inside and low pressure outside, the airplane tries to expand and while all others were rightly designed, the square windows had to tolerate a lot of stress and this stress was built most at the sharp corners of a square window and when this stress became too high, there was a crackk ... the accident occurred.

        What the engineers did was that they provided a very simple solution for this problem. They gave bending at the four corners of the window in the form of an oval shape, so that the stress gets uniformly distributed around the whole window, avoiding a potential destructive buildup of  stress and equilibrium is achieved.
        There are various examples where stress is playing a major role and engineers have flourished at all situations whenever challenges were thrown at them.

  So, the next time you board an aeroplane, remember and thank the engineers for making your journey safe and happy!!

                THANK YOU

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